Friday, August 7, 2009

YA-HA! first!

for a first post, which no one is going to read (:D), I'm going to make this short :D
So right now, it's Friday night, Dio social going on around 400m away, I'm just listening to a VERY entertaining podcast -'s Podcast Beyond, which is a weekly playstation podcast.
I follow a lot of gaming related stuff lately.. started last year when I got my ps3, and it has escalated to the point of which I visit (another frequently updated and good blog) every half an hour when I have time.
Ahh but enough about games. what else is goin
g on..?
At the moment I'm backing up all my media on DVDs. Scrubs is up to season 4, and I have around 3 anime series already done. Hopefully I'll be able download more stuff an
d share them with you all soon ! ^.^
So.. time for something VERY important. Anime :D
I've devoted way too much time to this, start
ing from this year. Just to put this into perspective, the first anime that I watched with japanese audio and english subtitles was DNAngel way back in year 8. Second series was Death Note in form 3. Ofc, my palate is now very refined IMHO.
This morning I finished watching Fate Stay Night... A very popular anime based on an eroge with a similarly glowing fanbase

I liked it... but it's pretty over-rated to be honest =\.
Ok, well my first impression after I watched the first episode was like "The story seems like the plot of a terribly generic and shitty RPG"
To say the least, I didn't begin enjoying it until around episode 10. From there it got quite a lot better, but still not that good.. :(
One thing I didn't like about it was the way the characters were treated. Many characters are completely throw-away. For example, Sakura whom we meet in episode 1 does jack shit. SRSLY.
What kind of kohai would come to your house and make you breakfast every day? and then come home with you after school and then make you dinner? without revealing too much, the best part about sakura is that you get to see her in this completely illogical, nonsensical tight leathery(?) outfit thingy [eroge root influence?].
I've been told that the visual novel is better by far, and because I already have it, I will continue and try to finish as fast as I can... But to be honest, it will be my first VN since かたわ少女 .. which was incredibly boring for me.

I've rambled for too long. So much for "this is going to be short"
Scrubs has already finished burning.. gosh I'm so absent minded.
I will update with gaming/anime/whatever I feel like talking about posts when I can be bothered.. heh ^.~
thanks for putting up with this :P


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. soz
    deleted above comment while tryn'a get it to come up with my name
    anyway this is kimberley
    i watched ep 1 of fate stay night about 4 years ago.. didnt look interesting enuf to continue O.o

  3. haha glad that we agree. You might enjoy the visual novel a lot more, but it has H scenes.. but you have to work for them!.. or they just take ages to get to. I'm enjoying it so far, and haven't seen one h scene yet :D
